• Welcome!

    The toolkit provides best practices and educational software tools to enhance capstone project-based learning experiences.

  • Best Practices

    We always strive for the best ...


    Improving Software Engineering Education through an Empirical Approach: Lessons Learned from Capstone Teaching Experiences. Proc. of the 45th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, ACM Press, 2014.


    Understanding Student Interactions in Capstone Courses to Improve Learning Experiences. Proc. of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), Washington, USA, 2017. Exemplary Paper Award.


    Enriching Capstone Project-based Learning Experiences using a Crowdsourcing Recommender Engine. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Crowd Sourcing in Software Engineering Track, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2017.

    T&T (Talks and Tips)

    Guía para la Implementación de Cursos Capstone en el Proceso de Acreditación ABET (Descargar Guía). Difusión de Buenas Prácticas Docentes, Dirección de Educación de Ingeniería (DEI), Escuela de Ingeníeria UC.


    Capstone Course Toolkit v1.0. Jornada de Educación en Ingeniería: Visiones Compartidas UC-USM, Proyecto Ingeniería 2030.


    Desarrollando el Trabajo en Equipo: Lecciones Aprendidas. Difusión de Buenas Prácticas Docentes, Dirección de Educación de Ingeniería (DEI), Escuela de Ingeníeria UC.


    La Evaluación como Herramienta de Transformación en el Aprendizaje: Algunas Lecciones Aprendidas del Curso Capstone. Centro de Desarrollo Docente UC (CDDoc).


    Equipo docente: cómo potenciar la relación profesor-ayudantes. 4° Cápsula Docente, Dirección de Educación de Ingeniería (DEI), Escuela de Ingeníeria UC.



  • Educational Tools

    Take a look and start tracking everything in one place!

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    The Educational Tool is a software platform designed for software engineering education offers all the necessary features that allow for project traceability and has been integrated with a proven capstone course framework implementation to ensure the proper fulfillment of most academic and engineering needs. It is an integral cloud-based project tracking platform for both professional and learning environments, built from the ground up to support most of the requirements of agile projects.

  • About Me ...

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    Professor, Department of Computer Science, School of Engineering UC

    Diploma in Information Systems, School of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Argentina

    Master of Science, Universidad de Chile

    PhD, Universidad de Chile


    Research Interests Areas:

    Software Engineering, Mobile and Cloud Computing, Engineering Education, Computer Supported Collaborative Work

  • My Passion ...

    Best practices for software development

    Fifty years ago, few people could have imagined the world we are living in today. Advances in mobile and embedded computing and the explosive growth of cloud computing are driving a revolutionary change in the way people communicate, interact, and work with each other and how companies do business. Mobile and cloud computing are converging in the new, rapidly growing field of Cloud-based Mobile Systems.


    The combination of mobile and cloud computing not only fosters a new generation of mobile applications, but also brings with it new research issues and questions. My research pursues topics related to these research areas. From a Software Engineering perspective, my special interest is focused on providing best practice guidelines for software development in this field. Augmented mobile devices via the cloud are able to perform extensive computations and to store big data beyond their intrinsic capabilities. However, developing software applications for mobile work scenarios is considered a challenging task, not only because of limitations in the frontend, but also because the cloud-based backend, needed to take advantage of this augmentation, introduces new challenges and requirements. These include environment, security, and performance requirements.


    My research is focused on understanding the requirements, design, building, and applicability of new software architectures and cloud services for a mobile environment. The goal is for the results serve as guidelines for designing and building software solutions for this domain-specific application scenario. This will allow developers, students, or researchers of this type of solution to generate better systems involving less effort and fewer risks. These results will not only benefit the academic community, but also, indirectly, the software industry and other areas of our society.


    I am leading undergraduate and graduate students in developing software solutions for this type of mobile environment. I have not only published several papers for conferences, proceedings, and journals in this research area, but I also have made several software products to these types of systems.


  • Together, we can build the next step in computing and technology.

    You're more powerful than you think. Ready?. What do you want to do next?